Thursday, October 16, 2008

Leo of the Year (07-08)

Besides Leo Club Excellence Award, thats another great and cool award for the Leos, LEO OF THE YEAR award. Unfortunately, no Penang Leos have ever won this prestigious award, neither Malaysia i think.(Correct me if im wrong).

Awards & Recognition
2007-08 Leo of the Year recipients:

Leos / Country / Leo Club
  1. Tia Messino / Illinois,USA / MD 1, Spring Valley Leo Club
  2. Anantha Singarajah / California,USA / MD 4, Diamond Bar H.S. Leo Club
  3. Whitney Weber / South Dakota,USA/ MD 5, Salsa Leo Club
  4. Dominic Sicchitano / Pennsylvania,USA/ MD 14, Bentlyeville Leo Club
  5. Shanna Grace / New Jersey,USA/ MD 16, Point Pleasant Borough H.S. Leo Club
  6. Jessica Roy / Kansas,USA/ MD 17, Blue Valley West H.S. Leo Club
  7. Emily Haejoon Moon / Vancouver,Canada/ MD 19, Vancouver West Leo Club
  8. Rachael Costello / New York,USA/ MD 20, Hendrick Hudson Leo Club
  9. Michael Buscemi / Maryland,USA /MD 22, Shady Grove Middle School Leo Club
  10. Rachel Warsco / Indiana,USA/ MD 25, Students Sharing Hearts Leo Club
  11. Anai Steluti Silva / Brazil / MD LC, Palmeira D’ Oeste Leo Club
  12. Juan Francisco Antil-Cancino /Chile / MD T, Esperanza Joven Leo Club
  13. Thomas Helmut-Minichmayr /Austria / MD 114 Wels Leo Club
  14. Marina Isabel Salema /Portugal / MD 115, Santiago Do Cacem Leo Club
  15. Reece Colman /Australia / MD 201, Lake Tuggeranong Leo Club
  16. Pui Yung (Emily) Ho /China / MD 303, Hong Kong Host Leo Club
  17. Asitha Pinnaduwa /Sri Lanka / MD 306, Colombo Host Leo Club
  18. Amit Bansal /India / MD 322, Calcutta Adarsh Leo Club
  19. Anand Mehta /India / MD 323, Bombay Up Town Leo Club
  20. Tomonori Nakayama /Japan / MD 333, Kashiwa Green Leo Club
  21. Junko Miyasaka /Japan / MD 334, Maruko Leo Club
  22. Kenji Okubo /Japan / MD 335, Osaka Shirokita Leo Club

P/S: Yesterday should be my longest stay at Borders. (12.00noon-9.30pm)


KOKahKOK said...

ya actualy this one easy nia...last time ....i think that stupid dg din submit mine one haha.....or else i will be another pennag leo having dis honour after tanjung pp wakkaa...

Anonymous said...

wow, so you're a Leo from Malaysia, that's pretty cool . . Class of '09, so 17 right now? I'm the same age, and I found your blogspot because my name is on this list (: You seem really dedicated so who knows, maybe you'll be the first Penang Leo to become Leo of the Year this year! Good luck!

Tee Jin said...

@kok, tak boleh larh you. hahaha

@anantha, hey. how did you find my blog then? cool. im 16 now. mind to exchange contacts??

Anonymous said...

I entered my name in Yahoo search engine, and your blog came up (:
Well, if you ever want to contact me, my email address is