Sunday, June 8, 2008

Malaysia Boleh!!!

Yes, i think most of the Malaysians knew about the hefty oil price increase, hiking 78sen more to RM2.70 per litre.

However, i bet most of you dont know some news/information about the oil price. Okay, here it goes.

1)Many said its still okay compared to other countries. But, what if we,Malaysia, pengeluar minyak yang berkualiti, compare with the countries which export oil??

Here's the list:

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, he rocks!! 16sen per litre in his country!!

Venezuela RM0.16
Turkmenistan RM0.25
Nigeria RM0.32
Iran RM0.35
Arab Saudi RM0.38
Kuwait RM0.67
Qatar RM0.68
Bahrain RM0.87
Mesir RM1.03
UAE RM1.19

Oh ya, and even our dear neighbour, Brunei, is retaining its RM1.22. Gosh, its like more or less the same oil price in Brunei for the past few years.

(i read through some blogs and for the protection of my blog and i, you better check it out yourself)
The company has contributed more than RM330 billion to the government over the past 30 years, in the form of taxes, dividends, export duties and royalties.

Penang chief minister, Lim Guan Eng, once revealed in a statement as below:

''Petronas invested RM2.1 billion in KLCC Property and has a 51 per cent stake in it.''

''KLCC in turn is involved in the twin tower projects,Menara Exxonmobil and also the Mandarin Oriental Hotel.''

''Petronas was also the key funder of the Putrajaya township and has invested RM1.5 billion in Putrajaya Holdings''.

And, Petronas has earned the whopping billions in 2007!!!
Ya, we, Malaysia really have to increase the oil price!!

3) There's no global fuel shortage

I lazy to write already, come on read here.

All the sources were from the internet. Feel free to post your


Anonymous said...

read this

actually, protests have come up, but you cannot find it in Malaysian newspapers because the govrenment has covered it up. Singaporean newspapers has reported protests, and other international papers also had similar reports.

And I don't get the number 2 part, what does Petronas earning billions have to do with increasing oil prices?

Unknown said...

1) How many cars are over 2000cc?? Few or may be very few only. Meaning that many (rich or poor), will still benefit from the cash rebate irrespective of their gas using habit. This is not what we want. We want the poor to receive more.

2) Let say I am a businessman who runs a car rental service and I own 50 cars for rental. I rent the car to customers and customers fill and pay for the petrol themselves, so essentially I will receive $31,250.00 ($625.00 x 50) annual cash rebate for doing nothing, extra profit from the stupid policy maker and government.

3) Let say I am a filthy rich man and I own 5 luxury cars but all are below 2000cc, or may be I am just a rich man who likes to own nice cars, then I will be entitled $3,125.00 ($625.00 x 5) annual cash rebate despite being filthy rich with overspending lifestyle while my fellow poor neighbor who owns a Honda 70cc kap-cai only receive $150 annual cash rebate despite being poor and living a thrifty lifestyle!!! VERY STUPID GOVERNMENT!!!

4) Let say I am a poor man who don't own any cars/motorbike and I rely on public transportation to go to/from work, then I will not get anything sumore I am likely to pay more for transportation fares due to the diesel hike, despite me being very poor not even capable of owning a motorbike, being nice for using public transportation thus relieving road congestion, being environmental friendly by not burning fossil fuels, but in return I get punished!!!! DAMN STUPID GOVERNMENT!!!!!

5) And lastly can the uncle-uncle and auntie-auntie at the POS offices handle the sudden surge in demand for counter services as a result of the cash rebate?? Judging from the services and experiences I had with those uncles and aunties, I don't think so!

Anyway, I am not all critics and no help. My suggestion is why not implement the rebate in the form of income tax relief/rebate base on income level?"

Unknown said...

1) How many cars are over 2000cc?? Few or may be very few only. Meaning that many (rich or poor), will still benefit from the cash rebate irrespective of their gas using habit. This is not what we want. We want the poor to receive more.

2) Let say I am a businessman who runs a car rental service and I own 50 cars for rental. I rent the car to customers and customers fill and pay for the petrol themselves, so essentially I will receive $31,250.00 ($625.00 x 50) annual cash rebate for doing nothing, extra profit from the stupid policy maker and government.

3) Let say I am a filthy rich man and I own 5 luxury cars but all are below 2000cc, or may be I am just a rich man who likes to own nice cars, then I will be entitled $3,125.00 ($625.00 x 5) annual cash rebate despite being filthy rich with overspending lifestyle while my fellow poor neighbor who owns a Honda 70cc kap-cai only receive $150 annual cash rebate despite being poor and living a thrifty lifestyle!!! VERY STUPID GOVERNMENT!!!

4) Let say I am a poor man who don't own any cars/motorbike and I rely on public transportation to go to/from work, then I will not get anything sumore I am likely to pay more for transportation fares due to the diesel hike, despite me being very poor not even capable of owning a motorbike, being nice for using public transportation thus relieving road congestion, being environmental friendly by not burning fossil fuels, but in return I get punished!!!! DAMN STUPID GOVERNMENT!!!!!

5) And lastly can the uncle-uncle and auntie-auntie at the POS offices handle the sudden surge in demand for counter services as a result of the cash rebate?? Judging from the services and experiences I had with those uncles and aunties, I don't think so!

Anyway, I am not all critics and no help. My suggestion is why not implement the rebate in the form of income tax relief/rebate base on income level?"